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Book Reviews and Library Information

CCI Support has a well rounded ‘Wellness Library’. These are free for members to borrow for 4 weeks.  Please have a look at the Library list and contact your Health and Wellness Facilitator or [email protected] to arrange this.  You can view the catalogue by looking at the PDF version of it below.

Do you love reading and reviewing books?

CCI Support would love to hear from you if reading and writing book reviews are your thing.  Please contact us if you are interested in reviewing some of the books in our library [email protected]

Quiet your mind & get to sleep

Solutions to insomnia for those with depression, anxiety, or chronic pain. Written by Colleen E, Carney PHD & Rachel Manber, PHD Good sleep is vital for healing and well-being and plays a central role in every aspect of human life including regulating emotion,...

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The Irritable Bowel Syndrome Solution

by Dr Stephen Wangen, Founder of IBS Treatment Centre (2006) Although this book is dated 2006, as I read through, the information is still very relevant. In this book you will discover: What actually causes IBSHow to find the cause of your IBS symptomsWhy most IBS...

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The body keeps the score

By Dr Bessel Van Der Kolk This a poignant book about how trauma reshapes the brain and the body, compromising the capacity for pleasure, engagement, self control, and trust. The book explores different treatments from neurofeedback and meditation, to drama and yoga,...

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Book Review: When the body says NO

 When the Body Says No: The cost of hidden Stress by Dr Gabor Maté Dr Gabor Maté is a physician, speaker and author and is one of my favourite holistic practitioners. In this book he speaks to the link between trauma and how it can manifest in the body as a chronic...

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Book Review: Sleep Smarter

Sleep Smarter by Shawn Stevenson Review by Karen Moulton Book is available to borrow from the library Sleep is an essential part for the function of your mind and body, however many of us struggle to get the right amount and quality of sleep our body requires. In the...

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Book Review: The Choice

Written by Edith Eger This book had been recommended, so when it came into the library I was super excited to take it home for a read. We have a choice when faced with our illness… to be closed or to be curious. What can we do today to support ourselves and improve...

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Book Review: Nurturing resilience

  by Kathy L. Kain, PhD and Stephen J. Terrell, PsyD This is a fantastic read if you are interested in how trauma can affect our psychology and physiology. The authors detail how early childhood trauma can be stored in the body and create chronic illness. A broad...

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Book Review: Molecules of Emotion

"Why you feel the way you feel" Candace B. Pert, PH.D. Candace Pert was the neuroscientist who first discovered the Opiate Receptor in the brain and unlocked our understanding of the neurotransmitters which are the chemical basis for feels and emotions in the brain....

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Book Review: The brain that changes itself

Written by Norman Doidge, M.D. "Stories of personal triumph from the frontiers of brain science". Over the years I have been interested in the science of brain plasticity and the ability of the human brain, at any age, to learn and grow new neural. We meet many people...

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Dr Ros Vallings Books

We have all 3 available in the library for you to loan.

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