by ccisupport | Jun 10, 2022 | Waikato
Kia ora and Welcome from the Mighty Waikato I do hope you are all keeping warm with these crisp early mornings we are having at present. Winter is here now that is for sure! It was great to have Dr Vallings present on zoom at May’s monthly meeting. Isn’t she amazing...
by ccisupport | May 5, 2022 | Waikato
Kia ora and Welcome from the Mighty Waikato The seasons are a changing!! We have now settled into Autumn, and winter will soon be biting at Autumn’s heels, so I do hope you snuggle down somewhere comfortable and enjoy this edition So, here we go again… a slow decline...
by ccisupport | Mar 24, 2022 | Waikato
I hope you are all keeping dry and warm. As I write this today, parts of NZ are in a state of emergency with severe flooding, so my thoughts go out to any of our clients who are stranded or who have evacuated in the Tairawhiti Gisborne and Hawkes Bay regions. My...
by ccisupport | Feb 23, 2022 | Waikato
Kia Ora and Welcome to 2022. I hope the year has started well for you. As I write this, we have had some beautiful rain to quench our parched land, however, inevitably, the humidity follows when the sun comes out again. I hope you are all managing ok. If you are...
by ccisupport | Nov 10, 2021 | Waikato
We are in the middle of spring and the season is turning on its finest display of weather. “Spring adds new life and new beauty to all that is” – Jessica Harrelson, seems very apt today. I do hope you are all able to enjoy at least some moments of these amazing days...
by ccisupport | Aug 27, 2021 | Waikato
Kia ora and welcome from the Mighty Waikato My goodness, the year surely is zooming by. It is nice to see the daffodils out and the trees starting to bud with the promise of new growth readying themselves to bloom. As a write today, we are still in Covid 19 level 4...