Hello BOP members,

I hope this message finds you well, especially during these shorter days and cooler temperatures. It’s crucial to cherish those moments of brightness amidst the chill. Recently, during our Rotorua social coffee gathering, we discussed the importance of recognizing these bright spots, or “glimmers,” as they can help regulate our nervous system and ground us. A special thanks to Good Bitches Baking for generously supporting our get-together.

Looking ahead, mark your calendars for our sauerkraut making session in July. It promises to be a beneficial activity for our digestion. Additionally, I’m excited to offer restorative movement and breathwork sessions for my EBOP members soon.

In honour of ME Awareness Day, I’m committed to raising awareness by engaging with other community service networks and reaching out to medical centres. Let’s please remember to extend our support to your loved ones and caregivers. We’re here for them as well, offering tailored essential resources, especially for support people.

Stay cozy, warm, safe, and joyful until we connect again.