Hello there lovely members! I hope you had a lovely holiday season and got some sort of rest and/or time for yourself. It is important to practice our Pacing skills during this time as we can easily be carried away with it all. I managed to get to spend some precious time with my family enjoying the South Island and making some memories.

You can read all about it in the upcoming CCIS Newsletter blog. It’s been a bit tricky navigating our way through the Covid restrictions, but we are hopeful to continue our coffee groups in Greerton (vaccinated) and Papamoa (non-vaccinated options).   Karen and I are taking turns to work from home and be in the office during this time. Which comes with its benefits and challenges.

We all need to learn to adapt in some way, but I suppose staying safe and being kind to each other during these times is the most important thing. It’s lovely to see you connecting with each other on our Facebook page and to have you join us for our Member Meetings. I will be taking the next one for the first time in March so am a little bit nervous, but I know you will be kind to me! We have had so many new members recently, please take time to welcome them and maybe form some social connections, if you are in the same area.

We have also continued our support to our Lakes members since Tabitha left and are looking for volunteers to run social/coffee groups in the Rotorua and Whakatane area.

If you are interested or already have a group please let us know.  Lastly, the Towards Wellness Online Hub/Program is in its editing stage and hopefully be with us soon, we will keep you posted.

Till next time, take care xx