Hello Everyone,

Wow, this year is flying by. I’m really enjoying the spring sunshine, especially as it’s warming and welcoming without being overwhelming.

I am desperately missing all the in-person meetings and coffee catch-ups in Rotorua and Whakatane. Unfortunately, we are unable to meet again until we return to level one. We had a fabulous turn out for October’s Online meeting and I highly encourage everyone to come along and try out online meetings. We are here to help if you need some guidance navigating technology.

With December just around the corner, I find myself thinking about Christmas events, I’m already starting to plan how I am going to manage my dietary requirements and socialising. If you are like me this is quite a draining (but enjoyable) time for our systems, having a plan in place to manage all the energy required is a must.

I hope you have a wonderful time over the festive season, and I look forward to catching up with you soon.

Bye for now  Tabitha