Kia ora lovely BOP members. Spring is in the air, and with that comes the chance to see more ‘glimmers’ in our days! You know those moments when you see something beautiful in nature (A budding flower, newborn lamb or a lush green meadow in the sunlight). After my presentation on Vagal Nerve Activation, I’ve had lots of comments about practices that work for different people to get into that ventral vagal state. But the trick is maintaining that state and finding ‘glimmers’ is one way to do that. Once you notice a ‘glimmer’, be aware of what it is and stay with it a bit longer. Take time to soak it in and give it deeper meaning. Those ‘glimmer’ moments of being present are key to achieving a healing state. Here is a great quote from James Thurber:

“Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in awareness”

After coming back from overseas, it was great to catch up with some of our members at the Papamoa and Greerton social groups. These groups are such a good way to share ideas and knowledge and I am always learning about new things. That’s why I’m really looking forward to going down to Rotorua on 5th October, to meet some of our members down there. As a bit of enticement, I’ve managed to get ‘Good Bitches Baking’ to provide some baking for this social get together. I really hope that our Lakes and even EBOP members can make it along. We will be at the Arts Village in the Herberts Room at 11am.
Also, towards the end of October I will be in the studio recording some restorative movement and breathwork practices. So, keep a look out for these on our website.

Till next time, take good care, and ngā manaakitanga ki a koe (Many blessings to you and yours).