Kia ora and Welcome from the Mighty Waikato

I hope you are all well. Last time I wrote, I stated that Spring is in the air … Well, from what I have recently witnessed weather wise, Spring is still yet to get its spring on!!! Brrrr … We have just had the heaviest frost here in the Waikato since the 1960’s in October … Snow has been falling in other parts of the country too … So, with the temperature fluctuations, I hope you are all managing okay.

I have just held my first Carer’s Coffee Catchup this morning here in Hamilton. For the small number that came along, it was a great time of sharing and connecting.  Our carer’s sure do need to be celebrated for the work they do in caring for our ME / CFS / FM community. I am looking forward to organising another time for these wonderful people to connect again. However, with Christmas quickly marching towards us, it maybe more in line with a Christmas picnic in the park for all to come along and meet and mingle. Keep an eye out on your emails for more details in the near future.