by CCI Support Admin | Sep 1, 2023 | National, Regional Updates
Hi everyone, I hope you have been enjoying the crisp Winter weather! This month has whizzed by. I have enjoyed connecting with many of you who have attended the online social groups. These groups provide a great space to connect with others who understand. We talk...
by CCI Support Admin | Sep 1, 2023 | Regional Updates, Wellington
Kia Ora to all our Wellington members! I feel like we always have to mention the weather in these updates, so let’s do this……IT HAS BEEN SO COLD!! I hope you are all keeping warm, and enjoying the bouts of sunshine too! Thank you to everyone that came along to the...
by CCI Support Admin | Sep 1, 2023 | EBOP, Lakes, Regional Updates, WBOP
Kia Ora! Yes, I’m back from my European trip, which I’m finding a little difficult to adjust to, especially with the cold mornings we have been having. But spring is around the corner and I’m happy to be back and ready to continue my support for our lovely BOP...
by CCI Support Admin | Sep 1, 2023 | Regional Updates, Waikato
Kia Ora and welcome from the Mighty Waikato! As I write this today, the sun is shining but it is a mere 6°C outside. If you can shelter out of the little breeze blowing from the southwest, it is stunning. I noticed some blossoms starting to bloom yesterday which...
by CCI Support Admin | Aug 1, 2023 | CEO
When preparing for the Annual General Meeting, we get a chance to look back and assess the year that has just gone. We question whether we hit the mark and make plans for the next 12 to 18 months. It’s an exciting time for CCI Support, we have some plans (That...