07 281 1481 or 0800 224 787 or Text 022 658 0251 [email protected]

A very big hello to all our Nelson/Marlborough based members. The months are certainly flying by, as we enter May already! I hope you are settling well into the Autumn season, a reminder that heat packs and hot water bottles can be so helpful for easing aches and...

Kia ora and Welcome from the Mighty Waikato. Oh I love this time of year… I love the autumn hues of red, amber and gold as the trees start to change and lose their leaves, as nature prepares for winter. My favourite time of year. The days getting shorter, and cooler...

Kia Ora to all our Wellington members! I hope you are all keeping warm as it is starting to get a little chilly. Thank you for everyone who has renewed their membership so far, please let me know if you need help with forms or if anything is going on for you that...

ANZMES submits to the Royal Commission

CCI Support and other ME/CFS Support groups around New Zealand are putting our weight behind the ANZMES submission to the NZ Royal Commission around the COVID-19 pandemic response. The submission by ANZMES to the NZ Royal Commission was made in consultation with CCI...
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