Hello lovely WBOP members.

April has continued to bring us warm weather which has been lovely! However, I feel that the temperature is cooling down and the nights
require more snugness! Its quite nice to welcome these cooler days with a feeling of turning inward and slowing down.

As we begin to spend more time at home, we can think of some activities that feed our soul. It doesn’t have to be major projects, but just things that bring a deep sense of fulfilment, satisfaction and meaning to one’s life. It could be a simple picture to colour in, or some other artistic / creative project, or even starting a daily gratitude acknowledgement. Remember, you do not have to be an artist to be creative, there are lots of free, printable images for you to colour in, and there is even an app that colours in for you! Whatever it is, make sure it comes from your heart. Tapping into your thoughts, dreams and imagination is the first step to finding your inner creativity. Being creative brings feelings of gratitude and accomplishment, while taking steps to feel at peace with ourselves, wherever you are in your life at this moment in time, whether things are going well or if you’re in the midst of challenges. Come home to yourself by allowing your creative juices to flow!

On another note, we have settled into our new premises, and I cannot wait for you to come and see it at our open day on the 12th May.

Take care xx