07 281 1481 or 0800 224 787 or Text 022 658 0251 [email protected]

May 2023

  Kia ora to our lovely Wellington members! I can’t believe it is April already, is it me or is this year also flying by so fast?! Easter came and went and I am not ashamed to say that I consumed a lot of my children’s Easter eggs (Without them knowing, as my...

May 2023

  Kia ora and welcome from the mighty Waikato! Brrrr … Cooler nights and mornings are now well upon us, as is expected now that we are well into the depths of autumn. Although I’m not enjoying the cooler weather, I do love this time of year for the beautiful hues...

May 2023

  Hi to all! I am heading off to warmer climes for the winter and will be returning in September. Annabelle, our Health & Wellness Facilitator for the Western Bay of Plenty, will be the go-to person for any Eastern Bay of Plenty members while I am away. I...

May 2023

  Hello lovely WBOP members. April has continued to bring us warm weather which has been lovely! However, I feel that the temperature is cooling down and the nights require more snugness! Its quite nice to welcome these cooler days with a feeling of turning...

March 2023

  So much is happening so fast … it is already Easter. My Grandkids are living with me and as the temperature shifts downward, they are picking up little bugs and things so taking care is needed. This is when I need to be very clear on my boundaries … And I find...

March 2023

  Hello lovely WBOP members. Haven’t we had some stunning Autumn Days recently? More settled and calm. We can try and mirror this in our own lives, as we move into the cooler months ahead. Autumn and Winter are a time to reflect, wind down, and be grateful for...
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