07 281 1481 or 0800 224 787 or Text 022 658 0251 [email protected]

New Zealand

Hello everyone, I hope you are having lovely weather in your area. Here in Wellington, it seems to be switching between summer and winter every second day!We are winding up to the end of the year here at CCI Support. Over the end of December and January we will have...

December 2023

Kia Ora to all our wonderful Wellington members! What a year we’ve had!!! I cannot believe it’s December! As we are winding up the end of the year, I wanted to say a huge thank you to all of you! As always, it has been such a privilege to walk along side you in your...

December 2023

Kia ora and welcome from the mighty Waikato, My goodness, it feels like the year is speeding up as it nears the end. Only four weeks to go (At the time of writing this) until CCI Support closes to break for Christmas and our summer holidays. It has been an interesting...

December 2023

Kia ora lovely BOP members. November has absolutely flown by! It was lovely to catch up again with some of our Rotorua members at the social group, and again a big thank you to Good Bitches baking for providing some yummy food. Next year I am hoping to get down to the...

November 2023

Thank you for all those that attended the AGM on the 28th of October. It is so good to see how invested our members are in CCI Support. This year we have grown in services and staff. We now have so many online social groups and they are being well attended, and the in...

November 2023

I hope you all had a lovely long weekend, with some time to enjoy the warmer weather. As the weather warms up it can be a nice reminder to enjoy 10 minutes each day in a sunny spot to increase your body’s ability to boost Vitamin D levels. Sitting in the sun, enjoying...
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