07 281 1481 or 0800 224 787 or Text 022 658 0251 [email protected]

Hello lovely WBOP members.

Well, it looks like we have seen the last of those long hot days, but what a summer we had! I want to thank all those that joined me for my first Monthly Members Meeting on breathing. I hope you all got something from that. I did get some lovely feedback, thank you....

Bay of Plenty Update

Hello there lovely members! I hope you had a lovely holiday season and got some sort of rest and/or time for yourself. It is important to practice our Pacing skills during this time as we can easily be carried away with it all. I managed to get to spend some precious...

Regional Update from Tauranga

Hello lovely members. Well, it’s been a bit of a whirlwind since starting in October, I hit the ground running as they say! Things are starting to settle down and I am beginning to get to know some of our members. I was so glad to personally meet up with some at...

Welcome Annabelle

Hello, my name is Annabelle. I have a teenage daughter and Irish husband and originally from England. However, have lived in Tauranga Moana for 15 years after travelling for 8 years. I am in love with nature and my interest in holistic health started after completing...

Goodbye from Charlotte

Hi to all our WBOP members. I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying some of our warmer weather. I am also so pleased to welcome our newest member of the team Annabelle. Annabelle will be working from head office and will be working to support the WBOP and National...

WBOP August 2021 Update

Greetings to our Western Bay of Plenty Members, I hope that everyone is surviving this chilly weather. We have some exciting changes happening in the Tauranga office with Karen Maxwell joining the team. Karen will be sharing my role in this area as well as supporting...
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