Hi everyone.  The warmer then colder, windy nature of the spring keeps me on my toes as I navigate the clothing needed.  A layer comes off, then goes back on, then off again.  More stable warm weather is promised I hear.

Lets get a few meetings in before Christmas and see if we can get you
altogether for an end of year mingle.  Will send through some options for this soon.

The Library in Whakatane seems a fine place to meet (Larger meeting room) and the Arts village in Rotorua seems to work fine for people … Let me know if you have a recommendation for a better venue.

This is a very intense time for many, many people … Not just in our
community but globally.  So much change is occurring, and we need to adapt.  It is a trigger happy time for people with a sensitive nervous system. It is so easy for our nervous system to become overwhelmed.  It is also key to understand which emotions are mine, which I am really picking up from
others and the environment. That all makes it hard to remember what works for us and we can slip into old patterns of behaviour  (E.g.  Achiever, helper, perfectionist, controller anxiety) – Patterns which hurt us more than they help.  So remembering constructive strategies to calm your nervous system, pause and open to a healing state is very important. Whether that be
strategies like grounding yourself, connecting more with others, journaling, getting out into nature, and so on.  Whatever works for you – Go do it and do it often.

Welcome to the new members, all very keen to get their activity levels up without a dip or crash, and hopefully accepting the need to pace and manage the tendency to push. As hard as that is, It can be done.

The days are getting longer and the sun can still soak us with it’s warmth during the afternoons so enjoy that.