Hi everyone.

Winter is doing its thing. For me that means many layers, being careful where there are a lot of people are and keeping a plentiful store of Liposomal Vitamin C and Viralex Epicor, for if I feel a bit vulnerable to a flu or cold. But even with all that, my grandchildren generously gifted me with the flu. So, the last few weeks have been a return to some old familiar symptoms and a reminder to stay on top of my self-management strategies – Strategies I find it so easy to let go of when I am feeling good. Hopefully you have escaped the bugs and if not, you have recovered quickly.

For the next workshop in Whakatane, I will see how the library works out for everyone – It is central, it’s easy to get parks and there are other facilities around it you can access.

In Rotorua, the Arts Village seems to work fine for people … Let me know if you have a recommendation for a better venue.

Staying safe through these next weeks of winter and early spring is really important and at the same time, isolation is a risk factor so use the Messenger groups to chat or organise a get together at a cafe anytime.

For anyone that would like to book a telehealth appointment, Monday to Wednesday 11am – 4pm is available. If you would like to discuss ideas on where to from here on your towards wellness path or how CCI Support can help you … I have sent you a link to book this. It is a video appointment and its easy to set up and use.

The days are getting longer, and the sun can still soak us with its warmth during the afternoons so enjoy that. A friend sent me a photo of daffodils blooming in her garden yesterday, so things are looking good for an early spring.