by CCI Support Admin | Sep 1, 2023 | Blog
As you know, earlier this year CCI Support moved from a shared office in Fraser Street to a new Head Office in Welcome Bay. As we are a charity, a large proportion of the money we receive goes straight back into providing services and support for our members. ...
by ccisupport | Aug 10, 2023 | Research
And why answering it holds the key to treating and preventing this condition and others like it Snyder-Cappione was particularly intrigued by long COVID’s overlap with the symptoms reported in a condition called myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue...
by CCI Support Admin | Jul 3, 2023 | Book Reviews
The Myth of Normal – Written by Gabor Mate & Daniel Mate The Myth of Normal unpacks why chronic disease and mental illness are on the rise. Western medicine focuses on individual pathologies, but what if the key actually lies in our culture? We have...
by CCI Support Admin | May 2, 2023 | Book Reviews
A practical guide to overcoming chronic fatigue, adrenaline fatigue syndrome and chronic low energy, by a renowned health expert. Written by Alex Howard Alex Howard had CFS at the age of 16. He somehow found his way to recovery and created the Optimal Health Clinic...
by CCI Support Admin | May 2, 2023 | CEO, Regional Updates
May is World ME Month, it’s always a big month at CCI Support and this month is no different – There are so many projects going on! From the 1st of May through until the 12th, we will be running our Generosity Generator campaign. This is where we join...