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CEO Report – August 2023

  When preparing for the Annual General Meeting, we get a chance to look back and assess the year that has just gone. We question whether we hit the mark and make plans for the next 12 to 18 months. It’s an exciting time for CCI Support, we have some plans (That...

August 2023

  Hi to everyone in sunny Nelson / Marlborough! I have enjoyed connecting with many of you over the past little while, we have a lovely group of members in your area. Over the past few months, we have started an online social group specifically for CCI Support...

August 2023

  Kia Ora and welcome from the mighty Waikato! We are a month past the shortest day of the year. Have you noticed yet that the days are getting just that little bit longer? A little bit more of winter to endure yet, but there is hope… We are on our way towards...

August 2023

  Kia Ora to our beautiful Wellington members! Another month down, where is this year going? I find this very shocking how we are past the mid way point. The weather has been a little bit miserable out there, so I hope that you are taking every opportunity you...

August 2023

  Hello everyone, and Ngā mihi o Matariki, te tau hou Māori! I hope you all had a fantastic Matariki. I spent my Matariki eating good food with good friends. It’s hard to believe I have been working with CCIS for over six weeks now. It has been such a privilege...
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