07 281 1481 or 0800 224 787 or Text 022 658 0251 [email protected]

Kia Ora to our Wellington members! We have made it to June! How fast is this year going? We had the first Porirua meeting in May, and it was lovely to try a new location. We found a wonderful, quiet cafe that we will continue to use for future meetings. If you haven’t...

ME/CFS Awareness Day

Hi team — happy me/cfs awareness day! I have been working on a post (facts about the illness) and thought I would add it here in case anyone wants to post something but doesn’t have the energy to write anything — feel free to steal bits or all of it if you’d like!...

Hello BOP members, I hope this message finds you well, especially during these shorter days and cooler temperatures. It’s crucial to cherish those moments of brightness amidst the chill. Recently, during our Rotorua social coffee gathering, we discussed the...
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