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CCI Support Blog

The CCI Support Blog is a look at life with Chronic Illnesses written in an informal or conversational style.  If you would like to contribute to this blog, please contact your Health and Wellness Facilitator.

Red flags for health programmes and products

Hi everyone, My name is Marika Tait, and I am a Health and Wellness Facilitator at CCI Support. Some of you will know me from support sessions, social groups and meetings, and others may not. Some of you also know that as well as being a facilitator I am also someone...

ME/CFS Awareness Day

Hi team — happy me/cfs awareness day! I have been working on a post (facts about the illness) and thought I would add it here in case anyone wants to post something but doesn’t have the energy to write anything — feel free to steal bits or all of it if you’d like!...

ANZMES submits to the Royal Commission

CCI Support and other ME/CFS Support groups around New Zealand are putting our weight behind the ANZMES submission to the NZ Royal Commission around the COVID-19 pandemic response. The submission by ANZMES to the NZ Royal Commission was made in consultation with CCI...

Do you want a FREE Will?

... and an opportunity to give a legacy gift This week, we're asking our supporters a pretty big question. What will your legacy be? Sadly, traditional will-writing can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars which makes it difficult for many people to write a will...

CCI Support Monthly Online Social Groups

Social groups are casual catch up’s, they have no set topic or subject, they provide the opportunity to create connections with each other, learn helpful information, share, laugh and build friendships. Having friends who share similar experiences to you is very...

Through the Grapevine

Summer is almost over but some will still struggle with heat and will need tools to help cool you down. Managing temperature fluctuations, especially heat, makes living with ME / CFS /  FM / LC and POTS more difficult.  Whilst some of you may enjoy living with reduced...

2024 Monthly Member Meeting Topics

During the planning days that we held in December 2023, we discussed which topics we could cover during our member meetings this year.  We had a list of topics from ideas that we had come up with, as well as suggestions that we received from our members. From...

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