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CEO Report – July 2023

  The winter season has truly made her presence felt in the last few weeks, I hope you are managing to stay warm and dry. I’m currently in the throws of writing the end of year reports and doing all the stats, and it never ceases to amaze me the mahi / work that...

CEO Report – May 2023

  May is World ME Month, it’s always a big month at CCI Support and this month is no different – There are so many projects going on! From the 1st of May through until the 12th, we will be running our Generosity Generator campaign. This is where we join...

CEO Report – March 2023

  Who would think that it’s nearing the end of February.  It’s not quite been the summer most of us dream about. My heart and prayers go out to all those affected by flooding, cyclone Gabrielle, and earthquakes. So with that in mind, please be kind to yourself as...

November 2022

  The weather is certainly warming up … Daylight savings is with us once again, giving us an extra hour and Labour Day has been and gone … Summer is just around the corner. I recently read an article about Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus, who is the Director General...

August 2022

Winter is certainly upon us, and wild weather through the country to boot, I hope everyone is managing to stay dry and warm.  It’s been another busy few months, trying to finish off the Towards Wellness Programme online Hub and that all important end of year...

CEO Report

Here we are at the start of Winter. The trees still holding their colours and the nights are really only just starting to cool down in the Bay of Plenty.  It’s been a busy few months in the CCI Support offices. We have had Phil join the team as the Eastern Bay of...
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