07 281 1481 or 0800 224 787 or Text 022 658 0251 [email protected]

August 2022

Hi everyone. Winter is doing its thing. For me that means many layers, being careful where there are a lot of people are and keeping a plentiful store of Liposomal Vitamin C and Viralex Epicor, for if I feel a bit vulnerable to a flu or cold. But even with all that,...

Welcome to Phil

Hi All, I just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself to you, as I am taking over the Lakes Wellness Facilitator role in Rotorua and also the Eastern Bay of Plenty. About me: My name is Phil, I am Dad to two boys (32 and 28)  and Poppa to two magical grand...

Bay of Plenty Update

Hello there lovely members! I hope you had a lovely holiday season and got some sort of rest and/or time for yourself. It is important to practice our Pacing skills during this time as we can easily be carried away with it all. I managed to get to spend some precious...

Greetings from Lakes/EBOP

Hello Everyone, Wow, this year is flying by. I’m really enjoying the spring sunshine, especially as it’s warming and welcoming without being overwhelming. I am desperately missing all the in-person meetings and coffee catch-ups in Rotorua and Whakatane....

EBOP Update Aug 21

Well, what an interesting few months it has been, as I venture into the Eastern Bay of Plenty. It has been wonderful to meet our members in person. What a beautiful part of our country Whakatane is, the sun always seems to be shining when I visit. Meetings have been...

Greetings from the East

Greetings from the east. The year is rushing by in the Eastern bay. We have been enjoying good attendance numbers at the monthly meetings and were excited to celebrate May Awareness with an Info Sharing Afternoon on the 12th. We had several speakers which was an...
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