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March 2023

  Kia Ora and Welcome from the Mighty Waikato, I do hope you are all well today. The season is a-changing; Autumn is well and truly in the air. Cooler nights and darker mornings are all big hints that we are slowly sliding towards winter. Luisa (Wellington...

Kia Ora and welcome from the Mighty Waikato. I hope you are well and that today is a good day for you. If it isn’t, that is okay. I hope you are therefore taking care of yourself in the best possible way, and attending to ‘what you need, right here, right now’. So...

November 2022

  Kia Ora and welcome from the mighty Waikato! In my last post, I commented that spring is yet to get its spring on… And we are still waiting!! Hands up, who else is over this rain? We have a little stream at the back of our property and five times this year we...

October 2022

Kia ora and Welcome from the Mighty Waikato I hope you are all well. Last time I wrote, I stated that Spring is in the air … Well, from what I have recently witnessed weather wise, Spring is still yet to get its spring on!!! Brrrr … We have just had the heaviest...

September 2022

Kia ora and Welcome to the Mighty Waikato Spring is in the air and just around the corner. Bring it on I say!!! I am over the wet weather and so looking forward to having some sunshine on my face again. I am looking forward to seeing the flowers spring from their buds...

August 2022

Kia ora and welcome from the mighty Waikato. I do hope you are all well and coping with the winter weather fluctuations – Rain, wind and in some places, snow. I hope you have not had to endure any flooding where you live. I can’t believe the weather today though …...
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