07 281 1481 or 0800 224 787 or Text 022 658 0251 [email protected]

October 2023

Kia ora lovely BOP members. Spring is in the air, and with that comes the chance to see more ‘glimmers’ in our days! You know those moments when you see something beautiful in nature (A budding flower, newborn lamb or a lush green meadow in the sunlight). After...

September 2023

Kia Ora! Yes, I’m back from my European trip, which I’m finding a little difficult to adjust to, especially with the cold mornings we have been having. But spring is around the corner and I’m happy to be back and ready to continue my support for our lovely BOP...

June 2023

  Hello lovely Bay of Plenty members. Some of you may know I have taken over from Phil our lovely Lakes and EBOP Facilitator and now support the whole of the Bay. We are very lucky that Phil will not be leaving us completely and will be still holding the men’s...

May 2023

  Hello lovely WBOP members. April has continued to bring us warm weather which has been lovely! However, I feel that the temperature is cooling down and the nights require more snugness! Its quite nice to welcome these cooler days with a feeling of turning...

March 2023

  Hello lovely WBOP members. Haven’t we had some stunning Autumn Days recently? More settled and calm. We can try and mirror this in our own lives, as we move into the cooler months ahead. Autumn and Winter are a time to reflect, wind down, and be grateful for...

Hello lovely WBOP members. I hope you had a lovely holiday season with loved ones and caught some sunshine! As I am writing this we have experienced yet another earthquake after our terrible storms. My thoughts are with my members who may be experiencing concern and...
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