Hi everyone.

Welcome to the new members, all very keen to get their activity levels up without a dip or crash, and hopefully accepting the need to pace and manage the tendency to push. As hard as that is, It can be done.

We enter summer. Not only the silly season but also the mad season as people seem to get faster and rushed the closer to Christmas we get, the roads a little busier. Take it easy. Find ways to stay calm through it all and be clear on boundaries that protect your energy and immunity. Events will come up we may miss out on as we choose our health first. Pre-emptive rests and breaks during events are a key.

This is a very intense time for many many people … Not just in our community but globally. So much change is occuring, and we need to adapt. It is a trigger happy time for people with a sensitive nervous system. So easy for our nervous system to become overwhelmed it is also key to understand which emotions are yours, which you are really picking up from others and the environment. That all makes it hard to remember what works for us and we can slip into old patterns of behavior (E.g.  Achiever, helper, perfectionist, controller anxiety), patterns which hurt us more than they help. So remembering constructive strategies to calm your nervous system, pause and open to a healing state is very important. Whether that be strategies like grounding yourself, connecting more with others, journaling, getting out into nature, and so on. Whatever works for you – Go do it and do it often.

On the 7th of December, we meet at the Arts Village in Rotorua and on the 8th of December, we meet at Cafe Coco in Whakatane. Be great to see you there, pace yourself though. Social connection has huge benefits, it would be great to see you there.

We will be pretty much on holiday from the 15th of December through until the 15th of January, if you want to contact me just email. I will be checking them. Keep up whatever practices have worked for you. Next year I would like to offer some more.

Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year.

Nga Mihi,
