by ccisupport | Jun 6, 2021 | Waikato
Kia ora and Welcome from the Mighty Waikato. I hope you all remain well as the weather turns towards winter. Word has been getting out and membership numbers in the region continue to grow. Welcome to those of you who are new and to my existing clients who transferred...
by ccisupport | Jun 6, 2021 | EBOP
Greetings from the east. The year is rushing by in the Eastern bay. We have been enjoying good attendance numbers at the monthly meetings and were excited to celebrate May Awareness with an Info Sharing Afternoon on the 12th. We had several speakers which was an...
by ccisupport | Jun 6, 2021 | Lakes
Well winter is well on its way and I feel I am contracting in a little, spending more time inside doing puzzles and more quiet family activities. It has been a busy few months for me, I went to Taupo to meet with some of our lovely members – it’s always nice to get...
by ccisupport | Jun 6, 2021 | WBOP
Good day to all of our members, it has been really exciting to see our membership grow as Waikato has come aboard our ship. I have enjoyed reading posts and contributions to conversations on Facebook and getting to know new faces and names. Although I don’t get to...
by ccisupport | Mar 17, 2021 | Blog, Research
I have been reading and thinking about slower living and how I can live a simpler lifestyle. I have been pondering on how to simplify routines and live a more peaceful existence. My first baby step is to stop writing to do lists, this seems so counterintuitive to me...