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CCI Support Research


Complex Chronic Illness Support looks for balanced and respected research articles.  However, all articles and opinions are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of Complex Chronic Illness Support.  Complex Chronic Illness Support does not recommend any treatments, any advice, either explicit or implied, is intended to replace qualified medical advice.  Complex Chronic Illness Support does not accept any responsibility for any treatment undertaken by readers of any articles or for any error or omission in connection with an article published on the Complex Chronic Illness Support website.

Emeritus Professor Warren Tate

In 2010, Emeritus Professor Warren Tate was awarded New Zealand’s premier science and technology honour, the 2010 Rutherford Medal. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand and of the New Zealand Institute of Chemistry. He has been a Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany, and an International Research Scholar of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute of the United States.

In this video Emeritus Professor Warren Tate discusses the current research into ME/CFS and Long COVID that his team is doing in New Zealand

Waiting to Exhale

"Waiting to Exhale”: Breathing and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) By Cort Johnson More than half of our patients with FMS or CFS develop a disordered pattern of breathing. They take very small rapid breaths using the small muscles of their chest instead of slow,...

1News: Advice being developed to help long COVID

We see it again, that Long COVID advice is still in the development stage in NZ. CCIS already supports people with Long COVID within our community. As well as those with ME/CFS relapse from COVID and ME/CFS symptomatology from the COVID Vaccine. But we are grateful...

The impact of COVID on people with ME/CFS

We have been very lucky in NZ that we haven't to date had the COVID spread like other countries.  To this end though, we are also locally unaware of the effects of COVID on people with ME/CFS and have to look overseas for related data.  The article linked below is in...

NICE Guidelines updated 2021

AN ME ASSOCIATION SUMMARY OF THE 2021 NICE CLINICAL GUIDELINE FOR ME/CFS The booklet features the main clinical recommendations from the guideline which we hope will be effectively implemented by healthcare providers as soon as possible. It has been written by Dr...

Research Update on Fibromyalgia (FM), 2021

Research Update on Fibromyalgia (FM), 2021 The Third International Virtual Congress on Fibromyalgia was held in June 2021.  Eleanor Stein MD FRCP(C) was there and captures the essence of this new research. She states that latest research discusses Neuroplasticity and...

Metabolic features of chronic fatigue syndrome

Metabolic features of chronic fatigue syndrome (2016) by Naviauxa, R. J. et al. Chronic fatigue syndrome is a multisystem disease that causes longterm pain and disability. It is difficult to diagnose because of its protean symptoms and the lack of a diagnostic...

RNZ: Long Covid short on Research

https://www.rnz.co.nz/programmes/the-detail/story/2018807667/long-covid-short-on-research From The Detail, 5:00 am on 12 August 2021 "Otago University’s Christchurch campus will look at 3,000 New Zealanders to see if they have been exposed to Covid and have developed...

ME/CFS/FM Coronavirus Vaccine Side Effects Poll

The ME/CFS/FM Coronavirus Vaccine Side Effects Poll Update + the New Severely Ill Vaccine Side-Effects Poll Note the poll can be taken online and has been taken to find out how other people with ME/CFS and/or FM fared with their coronavirus vaccination in Health...

Long covid and vaccines

With governments worldwide under pressure to ease pandemic restrictions as vaccination rates rise and impatience with border restrictions grows, new threats become clearer....

The costs of long Covid

 With governments worldwide under pressure to ease pandemic restrictions as vaccination rates rise and impatience with border restrictions grows, new threats become clearer....

YT: The Why, When and How of Pacing

This Video is useful for explaining pacing and understanding how to use pacing as a tool.  This is a long, but good video - so please pace yourself through watching it. It's not overstating the fact to state that PACING is the singular most important management...


Information sourced by Neurochild Community (18/7/2020). Science is now showing that stillness may be just what we need to regenerate our exhausted brains and bodies. The demands of modern life put a significant burden on the prefrontal cortex of the brain, which is...


NZ Covid Vaccine Below is some general advice on the Covid-19 Vaccine which Dr Ros Vallings spoke about during her presentation at the public talk held in Hamilton last month for the launch of CCIS Waikato. The entire meeting will be available on Video soon. Experts...


ME Association - based in the UK.  May 2021 Update Having endured all the restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic for well over a year, we are now in a position where the country is slowly returning to some form of normal life. This is mainly due to the rapid...

Fibromyalgia muscle study suggests Mitochondria link:

Fibromyalgia research for many years has noted a change in the muscle tissue and this is being linked with more recent research on mitochondria function. Could the two be linked? These are the questions that Cort Johnson from Health Rising explores in this article...

Scoop: Long COVID In New Zealand – Expert Q&A

Scoop report into Long-Covid in New Zealand - 29/4/2021  - click to access the full article Emeritus Professor Warren Tate, biochemist, molecular biologist and ME/CFS expert, Brain Health Research Centre, University of Otago, comments: “In this pandemic, long COVID...

ME/CFS new information for General Practitioners.

There has been a flurry of activity in the media recently with Prof. Warren Tate, Dr Rosamund Vallings and others speaking with the media about new research in ME/CFS. The interest of the media has been piqued by Long Covid Syndrome which Dr Vallings suggests maybe...

Simply Living

I have been reading and thinking about slower living and how I can live a simpler lifestyle. I have been pondering on how to simplify routines and live a more peaceful existence. My first baby step is to stop writing to do lists, this seems so counterintuitive to me...

ME Association: Reducing the risk of Infection

In November 2020 the UK-based ME Association put together a very practical 10 point guide for people with ME/CFS to reduce the risk of infection of Covid-19. This FREE leaflet is all about staying safe during the pandemic and reviews personal hygiene measures, social...

Current and emerging pharmacotherapy for fibromyalgia

New Fibromyalgia research reviewed https://www.hindawi.com/journals/prm/ Roie Tzadok and Jacod N. Ablin of the Department of Internal Medicine H, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Centre and Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel published the...

Metabolic features of chronic fatigue syndrome (2016)

Metabolic features of chronic fatigue syndrome (2016) by Naviauxa, R. J. et al. Edited by Ronald W. Davis, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, and approved July 13, 2016 (received for review May 11, 2016) Chronic fatigue syndrome is a multisystem...

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a Biological Illness

Researchers at the Center for Infection and Immunity at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health identified distinct immune changes in patients diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, known medically as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS) or systemic...

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