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The Myth of Normal

The Myth of Normal – Written by Gabor Mate & Daniel Mate The Myth of Normal unpacks why chronic disease and mental illness are on the rise. Western medicine focuses on individual pathologies, but what if the key actually lies in our culture? We have...

Decode Your Fatigue

A practical guide to overcoming chronic fatigue, adrenaline fatigue syndrome and chronic low energy, by a renowned health expert. Written by Alex Howard Alex Howard had CFS at the age of 16.  He somehow found his way to recovery and created the Optimal Health Clinic...

The Invisible Load

A guide to overcoming stress & overwhelm Written by Dr Libby Weaver Ranging from physical stress on our body to an emotional load in our mind (Which can become very overwhelming and lead to distress and illness), Dr Libby explains how to identify the physical...

Loving What Is

Four questions that can change your life Written by Byron Katie with Stephen Mitchell   The ideas in this book don’t stem from any Eastern or Western tradition. The ideas originated in the mind of Katie, who had no intention of originating anything. They came...

Quiet your mind & get to sleep

Solutions to insomnia for those with depression, anxiety, or chronic pain. Written by Colleen E, Carney PHD & Rachel Manber, PHD Good sleep is vital for healing and well-being and plays a central role in every aspect of human life including regulating emotion,...

The Irritable Bowel Syndrome Solution

by Dr Stephen Wangen, Founder of IBS Treatment Centre (2006) Although this book is dated 2006, as I read through, the information is still very relevant. In this book you will discover: What actually causes IBSHow to find the cause of your IBS symptomsWhy most IBS...
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