07 281 1481 or 0800 224 787 or Text 022 658 0251 [email protected]

July 2023

  Kia ora to all of our beautiful Wellington members, It is the beginning of July and we are officially well into our winter! We have enjoyed some beautiful days of sunshine, which I have been really grateful for. I hope that you are all keeping well, as there...

CEO Report – July 2023

  The winter season has truly made her presence felt in the last few weeks, I hope you are managing to stay warm and dry. I’m currently in the throws of writing the end of year reports and doing all the stats, and it never ceases to amaze me the mahi / work that...

June 2023

  Hello lovely Bay of Plenty members. Some of you may know I have taken over from Phil our lovely Lakes and EBOP Facilitator and now support the whole of the Bay. We are very lucky that Phil will not be leaving us completely and will be still holding the men’s...

June 2023

  Hi everyone! I hope you are all wrapping up warm and preparing for Winter. I have enjoyed connecting with many of you over the past little while, and we have welcomed lots of new members from all over New Zealand as well. Our online social groups are going...

June 2023

  Kia ora and welcome from the Mighty Waikato! As I write today, the sun is shining, and the sky is blue!! I feel like taking a photo as it feels like such a rare event to have such a cracker day! So as part of my gratitude journal today, I give thanks to this...
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